The top 10 Technical Mistakes Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) Make When Presenting to the Board

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Prioritize risks based on potential impact on the business, not just on technical severity

Not prioritizing risks based on business impact:

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Measure the effectiveness of security controls and report on trends over time

Failing to quantify the effectiveness of security controls

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Provide a holistic view of security posture, including third-party risks and supply chain security

Not providing a comprehensive view of security posture

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Communicate in plain language that the board can understand

Using technical jargon that the board doesn’t understand

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Align security initiatives with business goals to show how security supports the organization.

Not aligning security initiatives with business goals

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Compliance doesn't guarantee security, focus on security and use compliance as a means to that end.

Focusing too much on compliance rather than security

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Stay informed about emerging threats and vulnerabilities and how they could impact the organization.

Not considering emerging threats and vulnerabilities:

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Develop a clear incident response plan and communicate it to the board

Failing to provide a clear incident response plan

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Involve the board in cybersecurity decision-making to ensure alignment and support.

Not involving the board in cybersecurity decision-making

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provide metrics and ROI analysis to demonstrate the value of security investments.

Not demonstrating ROI for security investments

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