
Cyberattack Prevention for the Water & Wastewater Industry

Why Watch this webinar?

America’s Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) mandates (drinking) water systems serving more than 3,300 people to improve cybersecurity measures no later than six months after certifying the completion of a risk and resilience assessment.

It is important to understand the various dimensions of the challenges in cyber securing water and wastewater treatment plants before we establish a roadmap to manage cyber threats, risks, and breaches.

Watch our webinar themed “Cyberattack Prevention for the Water & Wastewater Industry” on on demand and learn how you can comply with AIWA’s cybersecurity mandates and take steps to improve cybersecurity.

Watch this exclusive webinar where our cybersecurity experts discuss ways to secure wastewater treatment facilities and
infrastructure. This discussion will focus on:

    • The threat landscape surrounding wastewater treatment facilities including actors, vectors, and cyberattack modes
    • What parts of plant infrastructure are getting attacked and why?
    • How can one identify vulnerabilities and gaps in the overall security posture as part of a risk assessment exercise?
    • Improving plant security by addressing vulnerabilities
    • Developing a roadmap for complying with AIWA mandates
    • Best practices in cybersecurity risk mitigation focusing on SCADA, OT, and Industrial Control Systems
    • Why partner with Sectrio


Fill in your details and watch the webinar on demand!

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Damon Acton

RVP of IoT/OT Cybersecurity – Americas Sectrio

Kiran Zachariah

VP -Digital Security Sectrio

About Sectrio

Sectrio is a market and technology leader in the Internet of Things (IoT), Operational Technology (OT), and 5G Cybersecurity segments. We excel in securing the most critical assets, data, networks, supply chains, and device architectures across geographies and scale on a single platform. Sectrio today runs the largest IoT and OT focused threat intelligence gathering facility in the world. To learn more, visit our website here: Sectrio

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