

Getting your basic cybersecurity practices right

Basic IoT and OT security practices that can significantly reduce your cyber risks

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] When it comes to IoT and OT security, vendors will tell you how important it is to have a cybersecurity solution in place. Yes, one cannot keep hackers at bay using firewalls or air gaps alone. But in addition to a cybersecurity solution, your industrial control systems (ICS), SCADA systems, PLCs, networks, and IoT devices can certainly do with a lot more diligence in formulating and deploying cybersecurity best practices. We are talking about simple practices that can improve your odds in the fight against hackers and cybercrime. We have put together a few of these important IoT and OT security measures here: Improve patch management: this includes automating the discovery of unpatched systems and application of patches as and when they are made available. The entire lifecycle including the discovery of devices and systems, patch approval, distribution of updates, system and device reboot and finally logging of patch status should be automated Your cybersecurity team should ideally track Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) announcements and in case a patch for a vulnerability is not made available immediately, you can reach out to the OEM and ask for it or quarantine the affected systems till the patch is released. Vulnerabilities as old as months and years have been used in recent instances of  ransomware attacks Know what is connected and why: in some oil and gas, and industrial control system deployments, we came across devices that were of 90’s vintage and not only were they unpatched for years together, but the OT operator in this case was not quite sure about the role of some of the devices. Your device and infrastructure inventory has to be updated frequently and these updates should be managed centrally by an inventory management team   Run tabletop exercise, simulate an event: see how various teams respond to a IoT and OT Security incident, and more importantly, figure out how much of your data and infrastructure is at risk. This is not just from a cyberattack, but also missteps or mistakes in decision-making in the aftermath. It is better to have these errors show up during drills rather than during a real cyberattack  Conduct audits at least once a month to ensure that you are adequately prepared to handle an incident from threat detection to neutralization and continuity of business perspective Always pay more attention to health and safety equipment and controls. Ensure that they are tamper-proof and working with adequate levels of IoT and OT security Sensitize employees on the need to be risk aware at all times. Convey a number to indicate the potential loss that the business could incur because of a cyberattack. This number should be based on analyzed data rather than raw assumptions. These small steps can go a long way in securing your business and in raising awareness among employees. Beyond this, you can also look at going for IoT and OT focused threat intelligence, micro segmentation, and employee certification on cybersecurity to improve your overall IoT and OT security posture.   Try our rich IoT and OT-focused cyber threat intelligence feeds for free, here: IoT and OT Focused Cyber Threat Intelligence Planning to upgrade your cybersecurity measures? Talk to our IoT and OT security experts here: Reach out to sectrio. Visit our compliance center to advance your compliance measures to NIST and IEC standards: Compliance Center Get access to enriched IoT-focused cyber threat intelligence for free for 15 days   Download our CISO IoT and OT security handbook   Access our latest Global Threat Landscape report   [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column] [/et_pb_row] [/et_pb_section]

Basic IoT and OT security practices that can significantly reduce your cyber risks Read More »

Rising ransomware attacks point to a larger cybersecurity problem

Rising ransomware attacks point to a larger cybersecurity problem

In January 2022, we witnessed a huge rise in ransomware attacks specifically on IoT and IT networks. Most of these attacks were designed to lock up the data, copy parts or whole of it and then dump the data on the Dark Web. If media reports are to be believed, many organizations that ended up paying a ransom didn’t get their data back. If we break up the ransomware problem, we can identify these as the key attributes of the bigger challenge posed by ransomware to businesses: Insider threat: emerging from employees or partners willingly or unwittingly ending up aiding hackers. Learn more about dead drops Rising potency of ransomware: hackers have invested extensively in ramping up the facilities behind ransomware production and distribution and this is the reason behind 2021 turning into a very successful year for hackers Growing ransom demand: there are contrasting reports on what was the highest ransom demand placed last year but it can be easily inferred that the ransom rates have certainly grown significantly in 2021 The rising role of enablers: while the number of ransom developers is growing, so is the role of the enablers. These include negotiators and even professional breach enablers who help in placing the ransomware in the target networks Bleeding data: in December 2021, the volume of new data dumped on the Dark Web rose by nearly 3 TB.  Hackers are now more aware of the vulnerabilities, cybersecurity gaps, and process deficiencies associated with IoT, IT, and OT in businesses and they are using this information to breach assets and networks    What can businesses do to protect themselves from ransomware attacks? In sectors like manufacturing, pharma, defense, and retail, cybersecurity needs to be embedded into supply chains and feeder processes For small and medium businesses, operational visibility and visibility into networks at all times is a must. Oil and gas (upstream and downstream operators) is a sector that has been traditionally vulnerable to a range of threats. Oil and gas companies need to harden their operations from a cybersecurity perspective and revisit their processes and cybersecurity practices to align them with the new cyber threats and challenges that are emerging in the background Healthcare firms need to ramp up their IT security and invest extensively in securing their data Micro-segmentation: involving fragmenting networks to enable greater visibility and granular enforcement of cybersecurity policies is a must deploy cybersecurity measure    Industrial Control Systems and health and safety systems should be especially protected as these could not just create an operational challenge for businesses but more importantly, could create a health and safety hazard for employees working in manufacturing plants that deal with oil and gas products and other complex and dangerous chemicals Cybersecurity audits should be conducted at least once a month. There are many available formats for conducting this. We have created one for you here that is aligned with the NIST framework Encourage employees to report incidents and incentivize them to proactively detect and report vulnerabilities or security gaps Businesses connected with a long tail and short tail supply chains should collaborate to arrive at common security standards and measures that they can deploy together Enforce a no-click policy for suspicious emails Look at opting for multiple vendors for obtaining your threat intelligence feeds Looking at improving your IoT, OT, and IT cybersecurity, consult an expert from Sectrio for free. Book your slot now. Try out our threat intelligence feeds and improve your threat hunting capabilities. See how our OT-IoT-IT security solution can handle such threats to your enterprise. Book a no-obligation demo.  Get access to enriched IoT-focused cyber threat intelligence for free for 15 days   Download our CISO IoT and OT security handbook   Access our latest Global Threat Landscape report  

Rising ransomware attacks point to a larger cybersecurity problem Read More »

Improving OT security by understanding key security challenges

Improving OT security by understanding key security challenges

The convergence of IT-OT and IoT has opened new avenues for hackers to target systems based on those three technologies. OT however, has been impacted uniquely as the security dimensions of OT have not been fully understood by security practitioners. With the collapse of the traditional air-gapped systems, OT devices are now being targeted extensively by various hacker groups. To counter them, we need to get to understand how are hackers breaching OT systems.   There are two main routes of entry for hackers into OT Security. One involves using networks as conduits to access a production facility in a connected OT environment. In an unsegmented network, all (compromised) connected assets could serve as entry points for hackers. This is especially true for OT operators in traditional industries such as manufacturing, power plants, oil and gas refineries, and pipelines that are now embracing some form of digital transformation and large-scale automation.   The second conduit involves a physical breach by an intruder carrying a USB drive with the malware payload and connecting it to the OT network from within. Such a modus operandi is often used to target OT systems within the defense, maritime, and power companies that still house unconnected or air-gapped OT security systems.    OT cyberattacks are thus not accidental episodes and require significant planning and execution finesse on the part of the hackers.  In the case of many defense facilities such as radar stations, communication, and signals hubs, we have seen hackers or their enablers throw infected pen drives into the campuses of these defense entities to be used by an unsuspecting employee. Though the use of USB drives is strictly regulated, such devices still manage to become part of some of the large OT breaches we have seen in the last few years.   OT Security challenges and targets Safety and control systems are high on the wish list of hackers. These are the systems that when accessed and modified can cause tremendous disruption and loss. Such breaches are also hard to contain and soon the news of the breach reaches the external world and the hackers through media. ICS and SCADA systems have been traditional targets for hackers and they continue to be targeted.    A safety instrumentation system or even an environment control system both of which are key to ensuring safety in plants and other locations which are accessed by plant personnel. This puts their lives at risk and could also pose a danger to critical instrumentation including their calibration which is often quite sensitive and even a minor change could trigger a series of production errors downstream.   Improving OT security  Start by viewing IT and OT as extensions of the overall digital infrastructure and cover them through a unified security policy that takes into account unique cybersecurity aspects for them individually as well.   The above policy should also contain common goals for both IT, IoT and OT security teams. Key KPIs and milestones should also be formulated that they can achieve in collaboration   Conduct periodic joint digital security audits across the enterprise to evaluate the institutional cybersecurity posture and to eliminate gaps  NIST cybersecurity framework and the IEC 62443 can be used as guides to secure parts of the network or as a whole   Micro segmentation: can be used as an excellent tactic to isolate the overall digital infrastructure into fragments. This will not just help contain an attack but will also prevent malware from moving laterally   For digital transformation or large-scale OT automation projects or those involving phased transition to IIoT, OT security teams should be roped in to develop a comprehensive security roadmap that doesn’t just end with the transition. Instead, the roadmap should cover long term operational security for all assets and must take into account converged threats or threats that might emerge in the future    As part of the unified security, policy, an OT security specific policy can also be developed to bring OT security on par with IT security   Operate with OT-focussed threat intelligence to detect unique threats that may affect OT but not IT  Vulnerability assessments and gap analysis should be conducted at regular intervals and such processes should be further documented through regular audits   Security for IT, IoT and OT assets should be owned by a joint cybersecurity team including members from both sides. This will ensure the evolution of a common minimum standard for security across the organization    Deploying an OT security solution that works to secure all aspects of OT is also recommended   Sectrio is offering its threat intelligence feeds for trial for free for 15 days. Our feeds work with the best SIEM solutions out there and meet all the parameters listed above. To access our threat intelligence feeds for free, sign up now. Talk to our cybersecurity experts to learn how Sectrio’s IoT security solution and threat intelligence can help your business See how our OT-IoT-IT security solution can handle such threats to your enterprise. Book a no-obligation demo.  Get access to enriched IoT-focused cyber threat intelligence for free for 15 days   Download our CISO IoT and OT security handbook   Access our latest Global Threat Landscape report  

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10 easy to deploy steps for better Industrial Control Systems ICS security

10 easy to deploy steps for better Industrial Control Systems (ICS) security  

Last week the Biden Administration announced the extension of the Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Cybersecurity Initiative to the water and wastewater treatment facilities. ICS across sectors is at risk from targeted cyberattacks. This is especially true of ICS connected with critical infrastructure. Thus this announcement comes as no surprise with more sectors being recognized as critical, the role of ICS cybersecurity in national economies in addition to the success of businesses has now come under the scanner.  What is the nature of threats to ICS?  The Colonial Pipeline, JBS Foods, and other high-profile incidents that occurred in the recent past have shown that security risks and attacks connected with ICS are growing These are some of the reasons why the threats to ICS are growing: Use of legacy systems that cannot be scanned for vulnerabilities or threats. In many such systems, patching is unheard of as the OEM might have already shut shop as some of these devices were manufactured almost three decades ago     ICS operation and maintenance practices are not aligned to the cybersecurity practices that are being currently followed in many organizations   Often there is no dedicated team managing the cybersecurity needs of ICS and the IT security team is tasked with securing them. The IT teams may not be trained to secure such systems   OT and ICS systems were purpose-built to serve specific needs and nothing more. So to get them to accommodate security in their day-to-day function is near impossible  Partial automation in some instances have led to newer security concerns   Lack of visibility into the functioning of these systems has proven to be a significant barrier   What can be done to secure ICS?  Rising breaches in ICS and OT systems have made cybersecurity teams sit up and take notice of ICS security gaps emerging from these systems. Thus, attempts are being made to launch programs to secure them and to contain threats and risks to such systems.  These are the steps that Sectrio proposes to businesses and governments that wish to secure their ICS:  Access management: to ensure physical and digital security in systems that are fully or partially automated   Inventory management: know how many ICS systems are there and what exactly does each component do    Threat detection and neutralization: curb malicious activity at all levels    Vendor management: work with vendors to improve ICS security wherever possible    Risk reduction: go for ICS security solutions that improve ICS and OT cybersecurity without creating any significant disruption    Micro segmentation: segment networks and infrastructure into manageable bits and evolve and deploy micro security policies that can be better administered   Security audits: development and application of unique security policies and procedures that are custom developed for control system network and its devices. This will also help sensitize security teams and other stakeholders on the need to pay attention to OT and ICS security    Vulnerability assessment: period assessment of vulnerabilities at all levels should help plug gaps    Security of data transfers: across networks, data transfer should be done in a secure and with adequate authentication    Deploy workflow improvements to enhance security and operational transparency   Wish to develop an OT security policy? We have something to get you going here: OT Security Policy Talk to our regional cybersecurity experts in North America, the Middle East, APAC, and Latin America to understand how to secure your regional ICS, OT, and IoT systems.   Learn about easy to deploy compliance kits to help your regulatory compliance initiatives.    Sectrio is offering its threat intelligence feeds for trial for free for 15 days. Our feeds work with the best SIEM solutions out there and meet all the parameters listed above. To access our threat intelligence feeds for free, sign up now. Talk to our cybersecurity experts to learn how Sectrio’s IoT security solution and threat intelligence can help your business See how our OT-IoT-IT security solution can handle such threats to your enterprise. Book a no-obligation demo.  Get access to enriched IoT-focused cyber threat intelligence for free for 15 days   Download our CISO IoT and OT security handbook   Access our latest Global Threat Landscape report  

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12 important points to know from CISAs latest threat advisory

CISA issues major cyber threat advisory

In a new release dated January 18th, 2022, CISA has advised businesses across sectors to ramp up their cybersecurity measures to align with the deteriorating cybersecurity environment across cyberspace. The advisory relates to the recent cyber attacks on various businesses in Ukraine. Ukrainian firms have reported several harmful malware on their systems. CISA believes that such malware could potentially be used to disrupt other sectors and nations as well. Broadly CISA has advised businesses to focus on reducing the likelihood of cyber intrusion, detect intrusion, ensure that the organization is prepared to deal with an intrusion, and enhance institutional resilience to respond effectively to a potentially destructive cyber episode. Here are a few key points that we have distilled from CISA’s advisory Businesses have to work to validate all existing remote access functions. Multi-factor authentication has to be deployed for all such instances Apply patches at the earliest and avoid skipping patch schedules Security teams should disable all non-essential ports immediately Secure cloud services: Implement strong controls to cloud services as identified in another CISA guidance Ensure that cybersecurity personnel are empowered to detect, log and report any anomalous network activity.    Protect the whole network from cyberattacks through anti-malware software, ensure that the software is updated Organizations working with Ukrainian entities need to deploy additional measures. They should isolate, monitor, and inspect traffic from such entities Designate a crisis response team with a clear RACI structure to ensure tech, communications, legal, and business continuity Enable adequate provisioning of surge support Conduct tabletop exercises to test the understanding of roles and responsibilities of all personnel. Use our template to get started now: IEC 62443, NIST Table of Roles & Responsibilities Template Test all available backup procedures to ensure that critical data can be accessed and restored rapidly without any delay Businesses that are using industrial control systems (ICS) and operational technology (OT) should conduct a test of their manual controls to ensure the continuing operability of critical functions in case of network disruption or loss of trust in the integrity of the network In light of the above advisory, critical infrastructure operators and those who have IoT and OT installations must revisit their cybersecurity practices and posture on a priority basis.  Sectrio is offering its threat intelligence feeds for trial for free for 15 days. Our feeds work with the best SIEM solutions out there and meet all the parameters listed above. To access our threat intelligence feeds for free, sign up now. Talk to our cybersecurity experts to learn how Sectrio’s IoT security solution and threat intelligence can help your business See how our OT-IoT-IT security solution can handle such threats to your enterprise. Book a no-obligation demo.  Get access to enriched IoT-focused cyber threat intelligence for free for 15 days   Download our CISO IoT and OT security handbook   Access our latest Global Threat Landscape report  

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IoT and OT security predictions for 2022 for the Middle East region

IoT and OT security predictions for 2022 for the Middle East region

How will the new year (2022) impact IoT and OT security in the Middle East and what new trends should we be aware of? Sectrio’s threat research team offers answers. Rise of geopolitical threats in 2022 With the worsening geopolitical situation in the Middle East, we can expect new levels of APT activity. Most of this activity will target critical infrastructure including those connected to shipping, power, and communications.   The cost of cyberattacks will go up The average ransom demand in the region has been increasing by USD 500,000 (pre-negotiation) in the last three years. This number is expected to rise this year as well. Cyberattacks and reconnaissance attacks on IoT and OT deployments will intensify Based on past patterns, we expect cyberattacks on UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Turkey, and Bahrain to rise in the first half of 2022. Health and safety systems, ICS, SCADA, PLC, IoT devices, and networks will be targeted extensively by hackers. New malware will dominate H1 2022 New and more sophisticated and stealthy malware will be launched by hackers to target manufacturing and utility infrastructure. H2 will see the emergence of more variants. Ransom will be the key objective of malware developers. Crypto mining malware will also make a significant impact on businesses this year.    Network and device vulnerabilities will get more attention from hackers and businesses While hackers will try and exploit these, businesses should try to get more disciplined in adhering to patching and vulnerability scanning schedules.   2022 will be the year of cyber threat intelligence Towards the second half of 2021, many businesses were seen shopping for threat intelligence feeds. This exercise will intensify in 2022 as regional businesses seek to improve their threat hunting and detection capabilities. Compliance and standards Compliance mandates will move from a voluntary exercise to a compulsory one for all sectors. This means that regional governments will ask businesses to ramp their cybersecurity measures to align with existing standards like IEC 62443 or new ones that will be enacted.   The year of reporting As we have seen in the US, reporting after a cybersecurity incident will be made mandatory with clear guidelines on who should know what and when.   Supply chain vetting and internal security practices will turn mainstream and streamlined This year, the supply chain situation will stabilize across the region with the adoption of new cybersecurity practices to deepen resilience and to ensure that these are not disrupted from within.         Attack surfaces will continue to expand Thanks to digital transformation and automation across sectors, more and more attack surfaces will emerge for threats to exploit. Digital transformation in sectors such as manufacturing should be undertaken with care and diligence to prevent these from opening gaps in the overall cybersecurity posture of businesses.   More IoT and OT cyberattacks will grab headlines Businesses will find it difficult to contain information on such attacks and thus we will see a rise in the appearance of such reports in the media. Sectrio is offering its threat intelligence feeds for trial for free for 15 days. Our feeds work with the best SIEM solutions out there and meet all the parameters listed above. To access our threat intelligence feeds for free, sign up now. Talk to our cybersecurity experts to learn how Sectrio’s IoT security solution and threat intelligence can help your business See how our OT-IoT-IT security solution can handle such threats to your enterprise. Book a no-obligation demo.  Get access to enriched IoT-focused cyber threat intelligence for free for 15 days   Download our CISO IoT and OT security handbook   Access our latest Global Threat Landscape report  

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What is a Good Threat Intelligence

What is good threat intelligence?

When it comes to threat hunting and neutralization, threat intelligence is not just essential but is the very foundation on which any threat management effort rests. Without the right cyber threat intelligence, your IoT and OT security could be compromised and your SecOps teams will not be able to work at optimal efficiency. The components of a good threat intelligence feed For any threat intelligence feed to be categorized as good, it should meet these criteria: Sourced from global sources: the feed should be drawn from a honeypot network that is global and covers a diversity of devices, architectures, and systems. On this point, it is not the number of honeypot locations, but the geographical spread and the system diversity covered that matters Contextual relevance: the threat intelligence feed should be relevant to the industry and location of the business that is consuming it.    Is available in real-time: if the threat intelligence is offered or consumed after a delay, then its relevance dims Is from a credible vendor: several vendors resell threat intelligence feeds. Such feeds may not just be dated but may also not be up to the mark when it comes to securing your IoT and OT assets Covers all technology streams: a vendor who offers only IT-focused threat intelligence cannot be relied upon to deliver threat intelligence for securing IoT and OT infrastructure These are but some of the parameters that should be considered. Beyond this, signing up a threat intelligence vendor should be taken up as a strategic exercise. This means that one should use all available forms of diligence while selecting a threat intelligence vendor and their offerings. Operating without the right threat intelligence is akin to leaving the doors open for threat actors to attack your assets undetected. Sectrio is offering its threat intelligence feeds for trial for free for 15 days. Our feeds work with the best SIEM solutions out there and meet all the parameters listed above. To access our threat intelligence feeds for free, sign up now. Talk to our cybersecurity experts to learn how Sectrio’s IoT security solution and threat intelligence can help your business See how our OT-IoT-IT security solution can handle such threats to your enterprise. Book a no-obligation demo.  Get access to enriched IoT-focused cyber threat intelligence for free for 15 days   Download our CISO IoT and OT security handbook   Access our latest Global Threat Landscape report  

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9 essential IoT security measures for a safe IoT environment

Essential IoT security measures for 2022

Threats to IoT deployments grew significantly in 2021. According to Sectrio’s threat research team, the volume of complex cyberattacks on various IoT projects grew by a staggering 400 percent in the January to November time period of 2021. This is a cause for concern and highlights the need to act immediately to protect against such attacks, secure assets, and work towards shrinking the available threat surfaces. Why will IoT security draw more attention in 2022? Based on the data we are analyzing from our global honeypot network, attacks on IoT devices continue to grow. We are also expecting new forms of ransomware and breach tactics to be deployed to destabilize IoT deployments in the next 90-120 days based on the malware development cycles we have seen in the past.  Here are a few steps that we recommend you can take to secure your IoT infrastructure in 2022: Buy devices from authorized and credible suppliers only. This includes everything from CCTV cameras to monitoring and management devices. The supplier should ideally provide visibility into their supply chains including the suppliers and countries from where components are procured Perimeter-based security is passe: your data and assets need to be secured through a zero-trust policy wherein trust are granted for a session only after credentials are established before a transaction. No device will have permanent access to any part of the network Voluntarily adopt stringent standards: while IEC 62443, NERC CIP, NIST standards, and standards proposed by regional regulators can be adopted at level one, nothing should stop your organization from going well beyond these mandates to improve your compliance posture Conduct a cybersecurity self-assessment run once a month to see how you are doing on various IoT security parameters and to figure out how you can improve. Build cybersecurity plans that are at a unit level (device), assembly level (aggregation of connected systems), communications (network), storage (cloud) Work with vendors who give maximum IoT cybersecurity coverage for your unique protocols and device, and data eco-system Sensitize employees and other stakeholders on security issues Let your SIEM work with threat intelligence that is specific to your industry and business context  Scale up your IoT security solutions by having regular conversations with all stakeholders Download our compliance kits to jump start your IoT security journey with the right steps Talk to our cybersecurity experts to learn how Sectrio’s IoT security solution and threat intelligence can help your business See how our OT-IoT-IT security solution can handle such threats to your enterprise. Book a no-obligation demo.  Get access to enriched IoT-focused cyber threat intelligence for free for 15 days   Download our CISO IoT and OT security handbook   Access our latest Global Threat Landscape report  

Essential IoT security measures for 2022 Read More »

Building enterprise level consensus on expanding IoT and OT cybersecurity investments

Building enterprise level consensus on expanding IoT and OT security investments

Broaching IoT and OT security conversations could be a tough proposition at all times. Even in organizations that have experienced a cyberattack, board members and management teams often chose the middle path when it comes to preparing a roadmap to keep their businesses secure and risk-free. This path involves complying with basic regulations, ramping the cybersecurity up a few notches, and patching core systems. Building a culture of IoT and OT security is a different game plan altogether and even the most technically mature organizations often find it difficult to tread a pro-active path when it comes to securing their infrastructure.  So how can CISOs initiate a conversation on expanding their IoT and OT security investments in such a situation?   Understand organizational dynamics  Sometimes, CISOs may be part of an organizational hierarchy that places a layer of leadership between them and the board. Decision-making may be a diffused or concentrated affair and there may be levels of bureaucracy involved. To make IoT and OT security decisions more acceptable, CISOs need to have strong relationships across levels. They should also be good listeners and be receptive to ideas emerging from various corners of the organization. You never know from where your next idea might come from and if it is from within your larger organization, you have already got a champion who can work with you to realize the idea.   Data always helps With more information on threats and breaches being available on the net, you can always quote these sources in your conversations to build a case for improving your facility and enterprise-level cybersecurity measures. Without data, any pitch will not develop legs and will therefore be restricted to the presentation deck it belonged to with the idea of never seeing the light of the day. Your pitch must be bold but wrapped in messaging that will resonate.   Gathering and presenting data on the possible level of disruption at various scales will also help. Threat and cyber risk modeling can help in this context. Check out our latest IoT and OT Secuiruty threat landscape report here Rope in competitionMany organizations do speak a lot about IoT and OT security as a priority item in their business agenda. If your competition is already talking about compliance, then you need to do so as well. Compliance is also a requirement for participation in many large projects and companies can be disqualified at the bid level itself if they do not comply with many cybersecurity mandates. This can be a powerful aid to help you push for a wider cybersecurity agenda.   Lead by compliance   Many IoT and OT security mandates are advisory in nature. However, this year many of those may turn compulsory as governments are increasingly asking businesses to improve their IoT and OT security measures. By taking a lead on compliance, you will be able to build more consensus around cybersecurity measures and improve awareness as well. NIST standards, IEC 62443, and several state and regional standards can be considered. Don’t forget to download our compliance kits. These will help you jumpstart your compliance drive. Don’t lose sight of the trees for the forest  People lie at the heart of every cybersecurity measure. While teams may come on board early, individuals may resist or show less inclination to adopt voluntary measures. It is therefore essential for you to keep all employees engaged through periodic advisories, one-on-one discussions, or through actual demos to get them to become more serious about IoT and OT security. As employees take the lead, they will help you build a context to push for more IoT and OT security investments.   Work with the board to set cybersecurity goals  This could include compliance measures and business measures to improve cybersecurity. Measures that could be considered as part of these goals include:  Operating with the right threat intelligence for your IoT and OT deployments   Compliance with the right set of cybersecurity standards   Segmenting networks to improve visibility into network activity   Keeping track of all connected assets at all times   Establishing cyber decoys to deflect cyberattacks   Identify and fix vulnerabilities   These tactics could be coupled or bundled together into a larger goal.   To learn more about IoT and OT cybersecurity measures, Reach out to us today   See how our OT-IoT-IT security solution can handle such threats to your enterprise. Book a no-obligation demo.  Get access to enriched IoT-focused cyber threat intelligence for free for 15 days   Download our CISO IoT and OT security handbook   Access our latest Global Threat Landscape report  

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